Tuesday, May 28, 2013

now, that I know you

I remember,
someone said you looked beautiful
and I laughed
because you seemed,
only beautiful. until we met,
I didn't know you wrote poetry
that you could speak
about greatness with your knees
tucked under your chin.

Andrew Tipton

/favorites of the week

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Legs crossed,
lips pressed together
  I love
the way you speak
with unconventional angles,
 perfect rights
and twenty-fives.
you are a rose garden, plants
in unpredictable rows,
narrow, slim, trimmed,
fingers pressed together, in
anxious sincerity. 
I love the way you take up small spaces
the perfect
awkwardness and poise
that seem to envelope you
as you sit
facing away from me.
I am making notes of your body's
reading between your lines.
-closed book, covers drawn
-leather bound journal
- adult fiction

you remind me
a pretty word,
"Alchemy" or "Misconstrue"
pages from a diary,
discreetly hidden, yet
born from passionate
 I see myself
in the reflections of your Librarian's glasses
they keep the warmth and curiosity
of your eyes
"shhhhh...  I am a Librarian" -  they tell the world.
keeper of the books and stories,
goddess of the poems and silences,
I noticed the way you love a good conflict,
the way
you come, for the protagonist.
I feel
those little hands and bundled legs and thin lips
are wound tightly around a wild heart,
deep within the dusty shelves of your mind,
you dream of the visceral.
same as me.

Andrew Tipton